The Markers of Time
Over the past several years I have utilized the column as a base to work from. As a religious Jew it serves for me as metaphor for the importance of singularity, formal simplistic universal order, symbolic intercessor between heaven and earth, all powerful narratives for designs. Good sculpture like good stories need good beginnings, strong endings, and intersecting plots. I feel the column lends itself well for the display of such attributes. The column, the obelisk, the totem pole, the cross, the piling of stones on a Jewish grave, artifacts and fossils embedded in natural rock formations, are all fascinating markers of a past existence heavily influencing my work. Stones, twigs, horns, river channels, rock formations and plateaus developed by wind and rain, suggest gateways – portals to the past. I am heavily influenced by Native American lands and especially indigenous cultures.
Digital Drawings
I have been working over the past few years drawing concepts via a Wacom and Huion digital drawing and painting tablet. This is a great way to expedite the thinking process over traditional “on paper” drawing methods. The flexibility to print with a large scale ink jet printer for exhibition, along with the versatility of cropping, cloning, and swapping of components, is an interactive must for me.
Click on image for full-length version.